Ric Nattress played for five different teams and over 500 regular season games. In 1980, he was drafted 27th overall by the Montreal Canadiens, but made his pro debut at the Calder Cup playing 5 playoff games. Ric was traded to the St. Louis Blues in the 1985-86 season, which gave him a career boost. In June 1987, the veteran rearguard was traded to the Calgary Flames where he played a steady defensive role on one of the league’s top teams. He helped the Calgary Flames win the Stanley Cup in 1989 as a positional defenseman. In 1991, Ric was traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs for in a deal that saw centre Doug Gilmour and veteran Jamie Macoun head east and Gary Leeman head to the Flames. Nattress became a free agent with the Philadelphia Flyers, before retiring in 1992-93 season.